DEC 19, 2018

Maria Barfod
38 years old
DJ, Radio Host & Sound Designer
My grandmother is and has always been a sophisticated lady wearing mink furs, coral colored lipstick and her signature scent “Opium” from Yves Saint Laurent. I wanted to be like her when I grew up. From an early age I would steal her nail polish and dress up in her paillette dresses.
In the morning when I wake up, I mist my face with the Ocean Dew and apply a few drops of the Blue Beauty Drops. Then I go for a run or to the gym, come back home, shower and once again I use my mist Ocean Dew and then the Blue Beauty Drops. Before I get dressed I spray the perfume Blackened Santal on my skin. I love it on my skin instead of on the clothes, that way the scent becomes more personal and unique.
At night I clean my face with the RAAW By Trice charcoal oil cleanser Black Moon Drops - it’s so gentle but really efficient, it leaves the skin soft as a baby’s bottom! I have my own little routine with this cleanser: First I add a quarter of pipette of drops on my fingers, heat it up between my hands and fingers and smooth it out on my face. Then I add the same amount of the charcoal oil on my fingers again and focus only on the eyes. I massage the oil onto the eye area in circles, so the mascara melts right off. Then I rinse off the oil with luke warm water and voila - done finito. After that I use more oil on my face - and yes it’s a lot of oil but I just LOVE being moist and shiny, haha! I honestly think it’s the reason why my skin still has a youthful glow. It certainly does the trick for me!
Without a doubt. The Blackened Santal Perfume! Even though I use the entire line, this perfume is for me, my one and only thing that I will never switch out from my routine. It has become my personal scent. I stopped using perfume when I became pregnant six years ago - I didn’t want my son to connect his mother with a specific perfume, I wanted him to recognize my natural scent… a true connection between mother and child. One year ago I tried the Blackened Santal and I just felt it was ME! I have never gotten so many compliments on a perfume before... from men and women. This will never leave my side.
Oil, oil oil and sleep. My wrinkles become more visible when I don’t get enough of those two. Not that I’m ashamed of my lines, but I prefer dewy looking healthy skin. Oh, and I dry brush my body. I would love to say I did it every day, but I either forget or don’t have time. It feels SO NICE though and it removes dry skin and is great for the blood circulation.