June 14, 2021
Meet Armin and Christian owners and founders of the natural beauty and skincare on/offline shop Woodberg in Darmstadt, Germany @woodberg_shop

Christian 31 years old and Armin 35 years old. Owners of Woodberg - a natural beauty shop and RAAW By Trice stockist in Germany.
Christian was a logistics manager and I (Armin) was a lawyer before we have started Woodberg as a side project. I remember that we had to pack the webshop orders in my attic without making any noise because we had to be careful not to wake my little daughter. We are so glad that times have changed and today we have a beautiful natural beauty store in Darmstadt in Germany.
Christian´s morning ritual is very basic but smart. He uses a tenside-free cleansing gel that he mixes with the facial Drops of Gold from RAAW – he applies it with a lot of care and leaves it on for some minutes. He then uses the time to make coffee or he browses through his emails. After that he massages a small amount of cold water into his face to gently cleanse and “milk-up” his skin - he calls it. Then he rinses his face and applies the follow-ups like toner, serum (twice a week), moisturizer and just 2 drops of oil for the look and feel and to lock in the moisture.
My (Armin) favorite RAAW product is clearly Black Moon Drops. It is lightweight for cleansing in the warmer months. It has a moisturizing effect which is perfect for winter. It can easily be mixed with clay powder to create a cleansing and clarifying mask (which the Blue Beauty Drops are also capable of). The best thing – it always leaves your skin with a feeling of hydration AND cleanliness. This is like “freedom” AND “security” – always a struggle to have them both but this one manages it somehow.
The moment you open a new Sea Silk Mask for the first time – the scent always reminds me of my favorite dessert from my childhood: JAFFA CAKE – which is basically a kind of cookie with three layers: A Biscuit sponge base, a layer of orange flavored jam and a coating of chocolate. Everyone who has a sweet tooth must love the mask!
Not taking things too seriously. Laughing is a huge part in our regular workday. Even when we experience setbacks and negative energy due to uncool events – we still take the time to watch a few funny videos and memes here and there and to make jokes with and about us or our staff – at least it manages to let our wrinkles look a little bit more deliberately.

Woodberg, Schulstrasse 11 64283 Darmstadt